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Introduction to School Life

Introduction to School Life at AIS

Welcome from the Student Council

Bienvenue ! ¡Bienvenidos! As the members of the 2022-2023 Student Council of AIS, we'd like to be among the first to welcome you to our school! As you may have learned by now, our campus is a unique place for us to learn, play, and develop as citizens of the world. We're proud of our school and we love to showcase our talents and skills for the AIS, Austin, and global communities.

This section of our website will provide you with more information about the day-to-day happenings at our school. There's a lot going on throughout the year! From assemblies to field trips and from International Week to STEAM Week, we have it all!

Representatives to the Student Council are elected each year and we represent all students from PS through 8th grade. There are two representatives from each class from CE2 up who voice the extracurricular hopes, needs, and dreams of the students at Austin International School. We help organize projects and events, while encouraging democratic participation and striving to promote good citizenship. We're proud of the work we do to help the school grow with us!

Some of the projects we are working on this year include:

  • Positive Thinking: Preventing misbehavior and promoting good behavior
  • Environmentalism: Helping to keep a clean environment in and around our school
  • Reading buddies: Older students read stories to younger ones
  • Talent Show: Showcasing all the cool talents from our student body

We meet with our teacher advisors every week to propose, discuss, and develop our projects. We are excited to represent our fellow students, organize events, and present our projects. We report back to the student and faculty bodies during our regular assemblies, which families are also welcome to attend.

Thank you again for visiting our school and for taking the time to learn more about being a student at AIS!

À bientôt ! ¡Hasta pronto!